Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ginkgo, Tree, Mushroom, and House symbolism in my work.

I frequently include trees in my artwork. They often represent an Axis Mundi~World Axis~Tree of Life. Trees (and towers) in my work represent a world axis or a center of being. This is an ancient idea like the Babylonian Moon Tree, The Sumerian Huluppu Tree, The Kabbala or Tree of Life, Tower of Babel these things all represent a spiritual centeredness and spiritual growth through which a celestial ascent or transformation is possible. A door to another world. Houses and mushrooms have the same meaning in my work. Fly Amanitas or Amanita Muscaria mushrooms that I often draw were used by ancient shaman to gain access to the spirit realm. Some believe they made use of these axis mundis as a spirit path of sorts sometimes even using a complex web of energy such as ley lines to access spirit portals at sacred sites all over the globe.

The Ginkgo tree is not only an axis mundi tree (a connection between above and below) but it is also a symbol of hope and love.

1 comment:

orion713 said...

I actually know a little bit about it, but I wanted to start a chat in there. :)