Tonight it is baked acorn squash with brown sugar of course
Sauteed broccolarabi (however you spell it) with garlic and red pepper flakes
And corn pones! Mmm if you haven't had these before give em a try they are fab and easy:
1 cup corn meal
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teastpoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons canola oil
1/2 cup milk or soy milk
I like to add fresh rosemary and chives but you can leave these out or add your own herbs
Mix corn meal, salt, and baking powder. Stir in oil and milk/soy
Grease a large skillet, heat to medium or medium high, drop batter from a tablespoon, shape into 4 pones. Brown on both sides. Good with lots of fresh butter.